Knowledge? Intelligence? Wisdom? Aren’t they all the same thing?? This will be my shortest post ever because it needs nothing else but the genius of Richard Feynman. Knowledge is having the right
Metaphors are one of the most useful tools in creative thinking. Figures of speech, they are useful to compare different things. However, metaphors can also be used as a visual
Stages Examples Sample Problems of Each Stage As you scroll down, use the blue arrow button in the bottom right-hand corner to bring you back to the top. The Communications
One tool I use over and over is The Trust Equation. It’s a simple yet clever tool that yields insights into the four aspects that build – and destroy –
Assertive Aggressive Passive Passive Aggressive Click here to jump to the download ‘Being assertive’ is one of those phrases, if not behaviours, that has confused many people over the years,
No one disagrees on the value of generating trust. Less obvious perhaps are the benefits of trust. Here’s a list my students and I have outlined over the years. The
So much of presentation skills focuses on the messages and its delivery (rightly so), but it’s never a bad idea to remind ourselves of the easy-to-make errors in body language
Being creative isn’t always about what’s right in front of you. More often than not, being creative means learning to harness both your common sense and your unconscious thinking to work more
At a recent meeting, a senior leader used the words being strategic and being creative in ways that I couldn’t decide if he knew what the words actually meant. Later, when I was