It’s interesting to me how often the words strategic thinking and creative thinking together are used in business conversations. More concerning, I’m not 100% certain we always know what these words
It’s one of the most common questions in creativity. What’s a Big Idea? How many times has a client asked me for a Big Idea? Hundreds, without hesitation. “I want
To understand how people were creative at work, I spent time watching and interviewing clients and colleagues approach a typical assignment. It was fascinating because everyone used a different system.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had a recipe to make an idea? A recipe is valuable to a cook when preparing a meal. Its preciseness and instructions help prevent
Don’t have time to read a long post on creating ideas? If so, here are my best brainstorming tips, quick-snap. For speed, you only need 2-3 people + a place
Generating the right name for an organisation is arguably one of its most important decisions. As the most visible form of its reputation, a good name … Serves as the
Sometimes there’s nothing more scary than a blank page. The act of creating – an idea, a thing, a solution – is tough enough, but made worse when we also
Waaaaaay back in 2006 when I started the first iteration of this website, I opened with a question about comparing the Sydney Harbour Bridge to the wire coat hanger. That
An interesting article about an evergreen question: Can creativity be taught? Here’s the rub. The question isn’t answered in this article from FastCompany, but all the same, author Evie Nagy
I was asked recently to give a lunch-time talk about creativity to a healthcare communications agency with a completely reasonable question: What are some simple tips to be more creative