This is a follow-up post to one of my most popular articles: Brainstorm Icebreakers. People working at their desk need to clear their mind and switch gears before they come into a
Use Mental Stimuli to Brainstorm is Post #6 in a series from a presentation entitled 11 Great Creative Slip-Ups: The Most Common Mistakes in Brainstorming. The introduction to the series begins here.
Empathizing with Your Audience is Post #4 in a series from a presentation entitled 11 Great Creative Slip-Ups: The Most Common Mistakes in Brainstorming. The introduction to the series begins
Get People Into an Open Mindset is Post #2 in a series from a presentation entitled 11 Great Creative Slip-Ups: The Most Common Mistakes in Coming Brainstorming. The introduction to the series
Many moons ago, I was asked to give a presentation on common brainstorming mistakes to a lovely group of people at Worldcom Public Relations Group, the largest partnership of P.R.
This post is #5 in a longer series of articles based on a presentation I gave to the Public Relations Insitute of Australia on “How To Make Your Audience Listen Better.” The Introduction
Jump to Examples If you’ve ever lived where it snows in winter, you will understand this situation and its connection to brainstorm icebreakers. I lived in Chicago for many years,
Sometimes, to find your idea, you need to get away from it. It’s sort-of like looking for love. Last week, I overheard two people moaning about their inability to find a
This article begins a three-part series on the basics of brainstorming, organised by what to do … Before the Brainstorm (click here) During the Brainstorm After the Brainstorm (click here) While these