Be Risky with Your Ideas! is Post #10 in a series from a presentation entitled 11 Great Creative Slip-Ups: The Most Common Mistakes in Coming Brainstorming. The introduction to the series begins
At some point in every person’s career, selling an idea or recommendation to a key decision maker leads to a rejection. And my, there are many reasons why people reject
You can’t have a proper conversation about creativity without eventually debating if there’s a useful role for negativity – or more relevant – its companion, criticism. Two recent brainstorms for the
Sometimes there’s nothing more scary than a blank page. The act of creating – an idea, a thing, a solution – is tough enough, but made worse when we also
A great article by Mike Brown from Brainzooming in the USA, this post outlines the 10 signs to look for to know if your brainstorm is finished. Here’s the link
During a long bus ride recently, I finished the Australian novel The Slap. Perhaps I was hallucinating after eight hours without WiFi, but I found a lot of symmetry between bad behavior
Don’t Be Your Own Worst Creative Enemy is Post #8 in a series from a presentation entitled 11 Great Creative Slip-Ups: The Most Common Mistakes in Brainstorming. The introduction to
At some point in your career, you will meet a person who hates your good idea. I’m not talking about someone who hates your bad idea. Or that you’re the
Maybe you’ve already seen this post: The Anti-Creativity Checklist? Originally compiled by Youngme Moon on YouTube, the video seemed to flood everywhere, generating both good and negative critiques along the
In an earlier post on , I missed the one I think is most challenging: “That’s not creative.“ It’s extremely difficult to refute a response based entirely on someone’s subjective opinion.