This article begins a three-part series on the basics of brainstorming, organised by … What To Do Before the Brainstorm (click ) What To Do During the Brainstorm (click ) What To Do After the Brainstorm While these
It’s going to happen, if you haven’t experienced it already: a bad brainstorm that didn’t generate one single usable idea. A friend (also a brainstorm facilitator) and I were talking
This post on the ways to ruin a brainstorm comes from Paul Sloane, author of The Leader’s Guide to Lateral Thinking Skills. They say brainstorms are old-fashioned and no longer
Although negativity most often affects the brainstorming part of the creative process, it’s equally destructive in the last stage – the merchandising phase – when you’re packaging and selling the
What kills an idea? There are endless ways to murder one. Here are 10 of the most common ways to ensure your idea goes absolutely nowhere, guanranteed. A potentially good