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Knowledge, Intelligence and Wisdom

Many people believe knowledge, intelligence and wisdom are all the same thing. Right?

While on the surface there is a certain similarity, the three aspects are distinctly different from each other.

Thanks to the genius of Richard Feynman, here’s a simple way to define each.

Knowledge is having the right answer.

This phrase makes me think of another:  Imagine how little we’d say if we only spoke what was true.

Intelligence is asking the right question.

This phrase makes me think of another:  You don’t get good information from a bad question.

Wisdom is knowing when to ask the right question.

This phrase makes me think of another:  Wisdom is merely knowing what to do next.

Knowlddge, Intelligence and Wisdom
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Here are few variations on knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.

Knowledge is having information.

Intelligence is using it to your advantage.

Wisdom is being true to yourself in the process.


Knowledge is learnt information.

Intelligence is acquiring and applying knowledge.

Wisdom is the quality of applying intelligence, experience, common sense, judgment and insight to a situation or problem.


Knowledge is knowing things.

Intelligence is connecting things by patterns or relationships.

Wisdom is finding the insights between those connections.


Knowledge without

Intelligence and

Wisdom is just random facts.

Finally, a variation from Uncle Albert (Einstein):

Information is not knowledge.

Knowledge only comes from experience.

From experience you gain wisdom.

Two last points:

Knowledge, intelligence and wisdom are also part of the DIKW (Data-Information-Knowledge-Widsom) Pyramid.

Go here for more: The Information Chain.

If Feynman is new to you, I suggest two books, both wonderful.

The Quotable Feynman

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

Any thoughts, comments or other quotes which align with these points about knowledge, intelligence or wisdom?  Please add your opinions below.

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