It’s one of the most common questions in creativity. What’s a Big Idea?
How many times has a client asked me for a Big Idea? Hundreds, without hesitation.
“I want a Big Idea!” they said.
“So do I!” I’d respond. “But first, what’s a Big Idea to you?”
I wasn’t trying to be a jerk.
But seriously, if you can’t define it, how do you know it’s a Big Idea or not?

It’s hard to define one until you’ve experience one for yourself.
And, even when you think you have a Big Idea, it’s still not a Big Idea. My team has implemented Big Ideas, but no one thought so afterward. I was convinced I had the ultimate Big Idea once. But then it was blasted to smithereens when a major global celebrity died the morning of our press conference, and not a single journalist showed up. So much for that Big Idea.
David Ogilvy, one of the icons of modern advertising, had five points on What’s a Big Idea?
- Did it make me gasp when I first saw it?
- Did it fit the strategy to perfection?
- Is it unique?
- Did I wish I had thought of it myself?
- Could it be used for 30 years?
All very interesting, but they’re also subjective to Mr Ogilvy.
What makes a Big Idea a Big Idea?
Here are five other attributes that are a tad more objective. Use them at your discretion.
(Oh, by the way. I’ve never found one idea that has all five attributes. If you create one that has “several,” I’d say you were on to a good thing.)
A Big Idea should be …
No one has ever thought of that idea before, ever.
In your category or industry, no one has ever previously implemented that idea.
The idea’s been done before, but never in this way, nor at this level.
The idea may have been done before, but even so, it’s still thoroughly engaging. People love to interact with it, see it, participate in it, revel in it.
Less a fifth attribute than one I’ve learnt is indeed true of every Big Idea I’ve studied.
If your idea can’t be explained in one sentence, it’s too complex. And not a single person on this planet likes complexity.
But, before I go, let me tell you one thing I do know about a Big Idea.
You’ll never know it’s a Big Idea until it’s all over.
I hate to burst your bubble after reading all of this, but the best definition of a Big Idea is impossible.
Why? Because you never know something will be a Big Idea until after it’s been launched, implemented and finished. Only then, in context, will you have the full scope between the idea’s original objective and the campaign’s ultimate outcome.
As Will Rogers said: One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been. In other words, only history will tell us whether something has worked or not.
So, as I often do, the best advice I can give people is to follow what Nana Eklund often told me:
Do the best job you can. And afterward, pray.
Any other qualifiers you’d add to What’s a Big Idea? Please add your thoughts and comments below.
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