Posts under Time Management focus on its three principles: Planning, Progressing and Organising. Please use the Search bar to scan for other relevant words or tags.
If you’re worried you’re going to make a bad decision, HALT. Or more specific, H.A.L.T. Of course we’d like to make good decisions every time, but sometimes we’re human. Sometimes
There’s a certain irony in my delay writing a post on procrastination. Procrastination is the act – some say ‘art’ – of delaying or postponing tasks or jobs. It’s often
If you’re a lover of ‘lists,’ this post of the seven different types of meetings will be catnip to you. The list comes from a book that keeps finding is
The best time and task management tool, the Eisenhower Time Management Matrix organises and priorities tasks into two equal, related attributes – importance and urgency – to help a person get more work done and increase their