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Is Bad Brainstorm Behavior Acceptable?

During a long bus ride recently, I finished the Australian novel The Slap. Perhaps I was hallucinating after eight hours without WiFi, but I found a lot of symmetry between bad behavior by children and bad brainstorm behavior by adults.

Do you recognize any bad behaviors in your brainstorms?


They believe their every idea is perfect, deflecting any criticism as cheap judgment or jealous sentiment.

Not seeing the value in another’s idea

They pounce on other’s ideas, finding fault immediately instead of waiting for the end of the brainstorm for honest discussion and critique.

Calling a person names

They not only knock back ideas, they make fun of the person who said the idea, or go off on someone who stands up for an idea.

Refusing to compromise

Overly protective, they refuse to consider options how their idea might be adapted to improve it. Any suggestion to merge it with another idea to create an even better idea is shot down as unreasonable or impossible.

Playing favorites

They’ll rally in their friend’s defense, for either an idea or an opinion, but just as quickly will drop the loyalty if the same consideration isn’t a two-way street.


Remember the time you had a good idea and begin to share it with the group?  Before you’ve finished, you find yourself competing for the group’s attention because this person had already moved on to another idea – and probably, their idea.

Hogging all the toys

They take the floor as a general raids enemy lands. They might use it as a soap box to demonstrate their intelligence, sing their brilliance, or air their grievances. Worst of all, they grab the pen from the facilitator and assert their dominance.


Every now and then, the group will gang up on the offender. From that moment on, they’ll sit back from the group, ignoring requests to rejoin the meeting.

Mine, mine, mine!

Like the seagulls in Finding Nemo, they jealously circle their ideas, guarding it from people who they think are not only trying to steal the idea, but also the limelight that may go with it.

Not saying please or thank you

Manners, schmanners.

Suggestions to Manage Bad Brainstorm Behaviour

Use humor

This is the most effective “velvet glove” way to deal with and deflect poor behavior in a brainstorm.  More common disciplinary actions – those suitable for children, for example – can be destructive to a brainstorm where confrontation can easily shut down creativity among the non-offending people.  Keeping things light also shows your commitment to a positive environment.

That said, as the senior authority or the facilitator, you need to gently but firmly …

Enforce the rules

They’re there for a reason.  Of course, brainstorming rules are often ignored, so dispassionate reminders are essential.

Assert control

Nip in the bud poor behavior when you see it.

Selectively ignore

Sometimes behavior is acting out or testing.  Don’t bring attention to it until necessary.

Be clear on your expectations from the beginning

A conversation in advance can be helpful to explain the agenda and process, so everyone – not just the offending person – understands what will happen, how a risk-free environment will be followed by appropriate critique, and when.

Call time-outs

If things get too destructive or negative, calling for a break is a good way to clear the air and re-boot the brainstorm.

As a last resort, you may find yourself having to ask the offending person to leave. Or, if it’s possible, don’t invite them in the first place. More often than not, you’ll find you have to include them, and if so, try to conduct your own brainstorm before or after their involvement so you can still generate the ideas you need for the assignment.

How else have you dealt with negative behavior in brainstorms? Please add your thoughts and comments below.


  1. I enjoyed your article!

    • Thanks Leonie, good to hear from you. How’s Toronto treating you these days?

  2. Interesting thoughts. Never thought about challenging some of the bad behaviours that I get in brainstorms. Many thanks.

  3. There are hilariously true. Thanks for the laugh. WS

  4. I wouldn’t call them “bad brainstormers” but how do you handle very very very quiet people?

  5. What happens if your facilitator is bad?

    • First question, is this an internal employee acting as a facilitator? Or is this someone who is external that you’ve hired?

  6. Интересный

  7. Very good article. I am facing many of these issues as well.

  8. I was searching for information online about how to handle disruptive people in meetings, and while this was 100% what I wanted, there’s some good advice here. Keep up the good work. RH

  9. It’s true, so easy to let negative people take over a brainstorm. It’s come to the point that in my organisation that we know those people who just can’t help themselves. Thankfully, most of them know this about themselves, and we’ve found other ways to engage them in meetings – as you said – to bring them at the end, or afterwards, to help identify the best ideas to move toward refining and testing.

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Is Bad Brainstorm Behavior Acceptable?