Here are some classic words about improving how you can work better will remain excellent advice.
1. Do one thing at a time.
Stop trying to tell yourself you can multi-task. You can’t.
2. Know the problem you need to address.
And, don’t solve the wrong problem.
3. Learn to listen to what the person is trying to tell you.
Listening is not waiting for what you want to hear.
4. Learn to ask good questions.
The key to a good question is does it elicit the information you need without your bias. If it doesn’t, you may need to change the question.
5. Distinguish sense from nonsense.
If you can’t prove it, it doesn’t exist. You might want to check out Accurate Thinking.
6. Accept change as inevitable.
Remember too change creates an opportunity. You can grow or you can wilt. Choose wisely.
7. Admit your mistakes, and learn from them.
People who say they don’t make mistakes are both liars and narcissists.
8. Say it simply.
(Nothing else to add.)
9. Stay calm.
Respond, don’t react.
10. Smile.

In a similar vein for work better, I also like this article from Atlassian on 10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work.
This topic always reminds me how few people learn good time management skills. It’s hard to work better and smarter if you don’t know how to organise the limited time you have available. If you’re looking for a place to start, go here to learn about the best time management took: The Eisenhower Matrix.
What advice do you follow to help you work better? Anything you’d add? Please add your thoughts and comments below.
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