Employees need meetings that work – insightful, productive and collaborative – and hiring an experienced facilitator can play a big part in making sure that happens. Can a good facilitator
It’s one of the most common situations in business. You’re focused on a specific task in front of you, intent to finish on time, and someone comes along to ask
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation, said Plato. When was the last time you attended a business meeting
Communications has been my entire career. Most of that time was me doing the communicating, but likely as much time was spent writing messages for someone else to say. Did
One tool I use over and over is The Trust Equation. It’s a simple yet clever tool that yields insights into the four aspects that build – and destroy –
‘Being assertive’ is one of those phrases, if not behaviours, that has confused many people over the years, perhaps because there has been little differentiation between assertiveness and its cousin
In a recent workshop on Managing People, my group chose to build upon an initial list of five ways a manager could boost self-esteem in their team members. In a few
Every success – and problem – between a client and its agency can be directly traced to its relationship, specifically at the point when it began and the expectations set
I’ve long believed that . I also believe there are important phrases every leader needs to know, and they find the right situation and time to ensure their audiences hear
Many people deservedly know Don Miguel Ruiz from his appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s television show to speak about his philosophy in the book The Four Agreements. I’ve owned the book